Edging Closer To Aluminium Windows

Square edge bead

Rehau is expanding its Rio flush fit family with a new square edge, low level bead in response to growing demand for windows that can combine traditional and modern styles in the same property.

With black flipper detail as standard and allowance for 28mm glazing of the Rio flush fit, these features ensure that the installer can achieve clean lines on the inside of the window. This enables customers to compete with aluminium flush alternatives, especially when paired with Rehau’s coloured foils such as smooth anthracite grey.

One of the key selling points about this new feature is that customers can mix their window styles internally and externally.


 “If someone lives in a Georgian property but wants to have a minimalistic, industrial style living space, Rio flush fit windows can bridge the gap perfectly.”

– Clare Higgins 

Senior product manager, Rehau Windows


Inside and out

Available as a special-order option, the new square edge bead can be used internally to complement a modern interior design with a grey foil but keep a traditional timber look externally with a turner oak foil," continues Rehau's Higgins. “Rio flush fit has been a huge success since launching last year. However, we never stop thinking about ways to improve our product ranges. Out in the field our installers are telling us that more people are moving towards clean-cut modern window styles, so we wanted to add a feature that would make Rio even more indistinguishable from real aluminium.


Aluminium look

Since launching the Rio at the start of 2019, Rehau has seen a marked increase in demand for aluminium-style window frames. Designed with versatility in mind, Rio flush fit is designed to offer choice to homeowners through design, colour and feature options.

Picture: Square edge bead


Article written by John Roper
21st April 2021


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