Bending Over Backwards
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Read Full ArticlePlymouth’s largest social housing landlord, Plymouth Community Homes, will drive forward plans to build approximately 1,000 new affordable homes by 2026 after securing eight-figure funding from NatWest.
Plymouth Community Homes (PCH) will use the £65 million funding package to grow its existing portfolio of more than 16,000 homes.
Founded in 2009, PCH is Plymouth’s largest affordable housing provider, supplying social housing for more than 35,000 people in Plymouth, as well as acting as a commercial landlord managing more than 170 shops.
Under its brand SO Living, PCH also offers shared ownership homes across Devon and Cornwall and has sold 167 shared ownership homes in the city and wider region since 2012.
“Thanks to the funding from NatWest, we can both expand our portfolio of affordable homes, as well as ensuring we maintain and invest in our existing properties.”
– Nick Jackson
Director of business services & development, Plymouth Community Homes
The funding forms part of NatWest’s commitment last year to support the housing association sector with £3 billion of finance until the end of 2022. This will support the increase in provision of social housing, as well as the improvement of existing properties.
Picture: Plymouth Community Homes plans to build 1,000 new homes by 2026.
Article written by Cathryn Ellis
28th May 2021