With Flush Comes Success

Flush Aluminium Windows from Alufold Direct

AluFoldDirect is bringing more successful opportunities to aluminium installers with its new flush sash aluminium window which is fully suited with the company's slimline window range.

The flush sash window offers flat sash sightlines of just 45mm. Configuration options include top-hung, side-hung and fixed light options.

A double rebate achieves high weather performance, and there is the option for double or triple glazing. The windows are also PAS 24 accredited and certified under the Secured by Design scheme.


 “Flush sash is a massive trend in the homeowner market, as we have seen from the growth in PVC-U flush frames.”

– Russell Yates 

Managing Director, AluFoldDirect


Get 'em quick and for free

"Aluminium flush windows are available on the market but not on the fast lead times that installers need. That’s why we’ve chosen to add it to the Everything Aluminium range," continues AluFoldDirect's Yates. "The new flush windows will be delivered direct to site, fast.”

Yates adds: “There’s nothing quite like seeing a new product in person, so we’re offering free flush window samples to all customers too."

To order your showroom sample, call 01706 260700.

Picture: Flush aluminium windows from AluFoldDirect.



Article written by Cathryn Ellis
29th October 2020


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